July 28, 2022

Winter Riding Tips | Take Breaks

Winter Riding Tips | Take Breaks

This winter riding tip is brought to you by Protecta Insurance. They have your back even in the worst conditions. See Protectainsurance.co.nz for a quote today.

If you’re out for a long ride, take plenty of breaks.
Do some star jumps or pushups to keep the blood circulating. You may think you look silly doing a workout on the side of the road, but who cares. Physical activity is a great way to keep warm, improve blood flow and dexterity, and wake up if you're feeling tired.

Being cold is no fun, it makes you tense, tired, and reduces your mental concentration, and dexterity. Stop for a coffee or some hot food. And remember, we ride motorcycles for the passion of it. It's about the ride, not the destination. If it was the other way around, you’d be in a car.
I’ve had some of the best conversations with random riders in carparks, when I've been out on a ride and stopped for a break. And met some of the most interesting people on the side of the road. Take your time, explore the side roads, and check out the small-town cafes.
Consider a Ride Forever course in the winter months. There is a lot to learn, and you don't know what you don't know.